
Thanks for visiting my blog! Here I hope to share some of the things that come from my head to my hand to paper, and the stories behind it all.

Thursday, July 24, 2014


At a co-workers request, I started doing some caricatures.  I started with our Benicia Middle School principal, Mike Minahen, then also did the lovely Cathy Wright, our BMS drama teacher.  All of this lead to me teaching a caricature class to my adult Arts Benicia students!  

Done for the kids' table at a wedding...caricatures of the bride and groom! This will be used as a coloring page.




Arts Benicia Adult Classes

I wanted to share some of my adult student work!  I am so proud of my beginning drawers and the challenges they take on.  This is a melange of photos from different classes including portrait drawing, life drawing, cartooning and caricatures.

Rene Canham

Jayne Boyd
Mark Krull

Rene Kale

Mark Krull

Sue Hutchinson

Cassie Perez

Sue Hutchinson

Cassie Perez

Cassie Perez

Mernie Buchanan

Ronnie Kale

Mernie Buchanan
Mernie Buchanan

Rene Kale

Mark Krull

Peggy Fulton

Cassie Perez

KFOG Live from the Archives 21 Entry

This summer, I am taking a stab at the KFOG Live from the Archives cover art contest.  I just submitted...we will see what happens!

I didn't get picked, but it was fun to try!  The top ten were all in color and the majority were done with computer graphics.


Buckets is in the process of being created, and this is the end of phase one.  This is an example of my experimentation with combining colored pencil and graphite.  Color to come in phase two!

Here is the final product.  I like the lamp and table the best! This was just selected to be in the Falkirk Fall juried show in San Rafael starting in September!

BEF Parade of Pigs for Kids 2013-14

This year, I made a companion for Frida Pig...Diego Pig!  He was a blast to make, and the same person that bought Frida also purchased Diego, so they live side by side now!

Happy Holidays 2013

I realize I forgot to post this past year's holiday card! It is my version of a sock kitty, based on my little Frida girl.  Happy Christmas in July!