
Thanks for visiting my blog! Here I hope to share some of the things that come from my head to my hand to paper, and the stories behind it all.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

January Sunshine

Happiness!  Put my last vacation chore off until today, and seemed to have picked the perfect day...sunshine!

Learned a couple of things:  who knew night-blooming jasmine grew prolifically in the winter and would need a trim, and who knew a cat would follow me around like a puppy as I gardened? 

Things I thought about in the garden:  I am thankful that I saw from both my dad's and my nan's examples that caring and loving unconditionally is a winner for everyone.  I try to keep this at the front of my brain always.  Never miss a chance to tell others how much you appreciate what they have done for you, or how much they mean to you.  It's a free gift to the giver and the recipient!

Thing I need to learn:  how to re size photos on this blog!  I can get the boxes on the corners, and it looks like I am shrinking it, but then it just goes back to normal!

Last day of vacation...about 90 new kids to meet tomorrow and about 60 to hear new stories from!  :0)

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