
Thanks for visiting my blog! Here I hope to share some of the things that come from my head to my hand to paper, and the stories behind it all.

Monday, November 12, 2012

"Ella" for the Falkirk Auction

Here is the latest..."Ella" means "She", but I kind of like that it is a girl's name, too!  This is from a lovely photo my cousin in England took of herself.  So...it is really "Jocelyn."  I was inspired by her photo, and wanted to play with it.  Another chance to have fun with textures.  


Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Los Dias de los Muertos

My advanced art kids and I played with a mixed media project representing calaveras for the Days of the Dead.  It was a blast!  I was like a kid with them!  She is called "La Muerta."