
Thanks for visiting my blog! Here I hope to share some of the things that come from my head to my hand to paper, and the stories behind it all.

Friday, January 7, 2011

How It Started

I have an art degree from Cal State, Long Beach.  I had the degree, but only played with drawing on the side and kept it pretty private.  Then much later, actually quite recently, I wanted a way to do something special for friends and family, so I put aside the sketchbook and started drawing on real paper, making real drawings that could be matted and framed, like real art!  I started with drawings for my friend Dennis. I drew him and his daughters.



I thought they turned out okay, so went on to draw my family.

 Dad, Joe

 Greta, Stepmom

Ian, Nephew

Kyle, Nephew

Connor, my "nephew by choice"

I was getting some great reactions, and was pretty excited.  I challenged myself by adding even more detail.  It took a fair bit of time to do these, so someone suggested I might start charging for them, and offer myself for commission work. Eventually, I did this, but was compelled to add another drawing for a friend, Kathy.  I drew her beautiful blue-eyed daughter Kami in what Kathy calls her "Gaga" pose.



I also chose to try my hand at pets, so drew my friend Angela's dog Kingston in both graphite and colored pencil, just to see how they would come out.  Everyone LOVES the graphite one!  Folks around town know Kingston and recognized him in the drawing!

Also, I was inspired by the lovliness of a couple of my pregnant friends, so drew Tara with Ezri inside.  She was beautiful.  I love this drawing, because I love Tara, Josh and Ezri!

Ezri Inside

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